Promoting and protecting the health of the public through advocacy, partnerships and education

Events and Opportunities

Registration is now open for the Canadian Public Health Association conference:

Public Health 2025

Public Health 2025 is Canada’s premier gathering of public health professionals, researchers, policy-makers, academics, students, and trainees. It’s where innovation meets impact—where we come together to strengthen efforts to improve health and well-being, share groundbreaking research, champion best practices, and advocate for evidence-based policies that shape the future of public health. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect, collaborate, and drive meaningful change!

Why Public Health Matters

The Alberta Public Heath Association works to support, champion, and protect public health. We are working to highlight issues that underscore the importance of prioritizing Public Health during these challenging times of limited public health resources, healthcare system reorganization and divisive public health discourse.

Learn more about why Public Health matters: 

What is Public Health and why should we care about it

What has Public Health done for me? The health of Albertans 1924 to today

Public Health and First Nation Albertans: A call for collaboration

Environmental Public Health: Keeping Albertans safe

Public Health and civil society: Challenges for the future

Become an APHA Member

We need your help! Become a member and help strengthen the voice of public health in Alberta.

The Alberta Public Health Association (APHA) is a provincial volunteer-driven, not-for-profit association representing public health in Alberta and is Alberta’s only independent public health voice. We have a voluntary membership representing a variety of disciplines including practitioners, students, academics and researchers, non-government organizations, community members and more. 

Why join the APHA    

Public health in Alberta is facing many challenges including a lack of capacity, limited resources, health services reorganization, and a divisive public health policy environment. A strong public health voice matters more than ever in these difficult times. As an independent non-profit organization that transcends professional roles and sectors, the APHA plays an essential role in championing, protecting, and supporting public health in Alberta. However, the challenges faced by public health have impacted the essential role that APHA plays. We are looking for dedicated members to help us strengthen the voice of public health in Alberta.

Sign Up Here

Student Associations

Interested in joining a student association?

University of Alberta

School of Public Health Students' Association
Website | Facebook page

University of Calgary

Community Health Sciences Student Executive (CHSSE)

Website | Email the CHSS

University of Lethbridge
Public Health Student Association
Club Email | Facebook page

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